10 cars that will be the right solution for the family budget
This is not a list of the most affordable cars. Rather, these are recommendations for models that are actually worth what they are asked for. Therefore, cars in different categories…

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Do not spend too much: how deceptive customers are deceived in car dealerships
Buying a new car is a rather complicated and responsible business. Often, in their desire to make a bargain, customers become victims of cheating unscrupulous dealers. Preserving the nerves and,…

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"Victory" over the roads: how in the USSR did the crossover for Khrushchev
Some models of cars in the Soviet Union appeared absolutely unexpectedly for everyone. That is exactly what happened with one modification of the "Victory", which the engineers decided to turn…


Algae, chocolate and stomach gas: 5 of the most unusual types of modern fuel
While the world community is dreaming of “jumping off the oil needle,” engineers from different countries are looking for ways to implement this idea. In recent years, they have taught…

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without making

7 VAZ cars, which were created recently, but never came out in a series

VAZ – the most famous model of Russian production. Their popularity is due to modern design, comfort and at the same time moderate cost. In recent years, the plant has developed a lot of new cars, but they have not been put into production. Continue reading

7 best car-houses in which you can live and travel comfortably
There are cars for driving to work. There are cars for driving fast. Some are better for families, others are for work, and others are generally for adventure. And there…


Golden off-road: the 10 most expensive off-road vehicles in the world
Modern cars-SUVs are rapidly approaching in size to a small apartment, and at a price that far exceeds the cost of even luxury housing. And today we will tell about…
