8 luxury armored cars
Sometimes the concept of luxury is inseparable from the concept of a high level of security, especially such a feature characteristic of premium cars. Today’s armored cars can withstand not…

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Native armor: new armored vehicles of the post-Soviet countries
For decades, the national defense and defense industry used the achievements of Soviet times. But in recent years, the situation has begun to change for the better, and many original…

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Golden off-road: the 10 most expensive off-road vehicles in the world
Modern cars-SUVs are rapidly approaching in size to a small apartment, and at a price that far exceeds the cost of even luxury housing. And today we will tell about…


6 tricks and tricks that make life easier for any driver
Modern man spends driving a huge amount of time. Knowing some of the nuances of operation, the driver can simplify his car life and avoid many problems. About the best…

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7 VAZ cars, which were created recently, but never came out in a series

VAZ – the most famous model of Russian production. Their popularity is due to modern design, comfort and at the same time moderate cost. In recent years, the plant has developed a lot of new cars, but they have not been put into production.

1. VAZ-2151
Outdated VAZ design inspired plant specialists to develop a new car. Thus, at the beginning of the 21st century, Lada-Classic was published. Universal VAZ-2151 was developed on the basis of the VAZ-2104. Leaving the chassis from its predecessor, the specialists updated the fuel supply system, power steering, and suspension. However, despite some improvements, the car was not allowed to mass production, because there were no sponsors willing to invest this project.

2. VAZ-2107M
By 2007, AvtoVAZ offered to manufacture a new car VAZ-2107M. Specialists have changed only the design of the front and back, without making any more innovations.

3. Lada Siluet
Cooperation of VAZ with Magna International led to the development of the new Siluet car. The project was quite expensive, but in the end it was proposed several interesting options. Sedan had not only an interesting appearance, but also a 2-liter engine. However, due to the closure of the project, the cars were not released.

4. Lada C
Developed in 2007, the sports car Lada C also failed to appear, despite its attractive design and the ability to pick up speed above 200 km / h.

5. Lada C-Cross
Crossover C-Cross, designed in the process of the project C, was not allowed to production, despite the high cross-country ability, even off-road.

6. Lada Kalina 4×4 Concept
Lada Kalina 4 × 4, presented at MIAS-2008, was developed by a Moscow student. He was surprised not only by the victory in the competition, but also by the fact that a car was designed at the factory according to his drawings.

7. LADA Revolution III
Sports LADA Revolution had considerable fame among the racers. Since 2003, the car has repeatedly changed. As a result, its power increased to 245l.s. The car passed all the tests, but it was not destined to be published.

If someone doubts the possibilities of the domestic auto industry, you should see crazy trucks of the USSR. And all doubts will be dispelled.

10 cars that will be the right solution for the family budget
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The most anticipated automotive innovations in 2019
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