Five automotive innovations that will be released on the Russian market this fall.
2018 turned out to be rich in interesting automotive innovations. Some of them have already entered the showrooms, and some, despite the fact that the year is coming to an…

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10 cars that will help to have time to sell
The other day, the so-called “Black Friday” took place, evoking the worst qualities in people. In order to get a 50 percent discount on the toaster, seemingly sensible and cultural…

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5 of the most outstanding SUVs in the world
Bentley plans to start selling its new car, which will become the most expensive SUV in the world. And today we will tell about the five most remarkable crossovers in…


Algae, chocolate and stomach gas: 5 of the most unusual types of modern fuel
While the world community is dreaming of “jumping off the oil needle,” engineers from different countries are looking for ways to implement this idea. In recent years, they have taught…

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5 best European cars over the past 5 years

At the International Motor Show in Geneva, the winner of the competition “Best European car” was announced. In 2014, it was the Peugeot 308, which unexpectedly won the BMW i3 and Tesla Model S electric cars that were considered favorites. However, surprises in this category occur almost every year. And today we will tell about the five best cars in Europe, which have become such in the past five years. Continue reading

3 best and “three” worst cars, according to the European Committee of independent crash tests for 2018

Euro NCAP is an organization that breaks dozens of cars every year, evaluating their active and passive safety. All this is done to reduce the level of death in road traffic accidents. So, in the past 2018 Euro NCAP specialists tested 23 cars. Further in the review – three best and three worst cars according to the results of Euro NCAP tests in 2018.

The safest cars of 2018
Third place Continue reading

"Japanese Henry Ford": the story of Soichiro Honda
Soichiro Honda is a unique person who has traveled a thorny path from a simple mechanic to the owner of the largest automobile brand. Through trial and error, through war,…


5 cars of the future from the world's largest IT companies
Recently it became known that some of the largest IT companies, previously known for the release of mobile devices or software, quite unexpectedly for the whole world decided to start…
