4 inexpensive but fast cars that can give real driving pleasure
The phrase "fast car" is often associated with something very expensive and inaccessible to the average consumer. However, there are interesting models in the domestic car market that can give…

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Cars that can easily drive half a million kilometers
One of the most important characteristics of the machine is its reliability. This is especially true of the domestic car market. Pro machines, the reliability of which is impressive -…

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Cars that can easily drive half a million kilometers
One of the most important characteristics of the machine is its reliability. This is especially true of the domestic car market. Pro machines, the reliability of which is impressive -…


7 best car-houses in which you can live and travel comfortably
There are cars for driving to work. There are cars for driving fast. Some are better for families, others are for work, and others are generally for adventure. And there…

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best aerodynamics

10 so wonderful cars that it’s hard to believe in their reality

Not all cars have the form that modern people are used to. When developers strongly “hit” in aerodynamics, fashion design, or strive for uncompromising maneuverability, it turns out a technique that terrifies or makes you smile. These cars simply can not appear on the road, because they will attract so much attention that they can cause a lot of accidents. Continue reading

9 automotive trends, which in 2017 will change the transport to unrecognizability

Every year, scientists, engineers, designers, designers and enthusiasts simply create incredible things for cars and everything connected with them. Here and in the new review were collected the most recent, we can say the March trends, which in high probability will capture the automotive market already this year and they (the trends) will begin their triumphal march right now. Continue reading

10 little-known Soviet cars that ordinary drivers did not see

The 1980s turned out to be full of changes not only in social terms, but also for the auto industry of the USSR. Then the projects of cars that could claim to be the best in the whole world were developed, however, the general public did not know about them. In this review, we give a dozen of these machines. Continue reading

7 legendary BMW for all times
"Bavarians" have created a lot of great cars. They do not change themselves in this plan from year to year, trying to make a quality product that can compete in…


Five automotive innovations that will be released on the Russian market this fall.
2018 turned out to be rich in interesting automotive innovations. Some of them have already entered the showrooms, and some, despite the fact that the year is coming to an…
