Is there life without a Prius
It is hardly possible to consider the modern range of hybrids - at least in our market - an attempt to save: most of the gas-electric models are a beautiful…

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4 inexpensive but fast cars that can give real driving pleasure
The phrase "fast car" is often associated with something very expensive and inaccessible to the average consumer. However, there are interesting models in the domestic car market that can give…

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10 little-known Soviet cars that ordinary drivers did not see
The 1980s turned out to be full of changes not only in social terms, but also for the auto industry of the USSR. Then the projects of cars that could…


Useful experience: How to open a car service and for half a year to get a plus
Every adult person sooner or later comes to the idea of ​​their own business. Most never hesitate to take the first step, but those who still dare to do this…

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The fastest cars that could be found on the roads from the 1960s to the present day

From the appearance of the first car in 1886 to the present day, the cars became more sophisticated, high-tech and fast. The pursuit of speed began literally from the first day of the car’s existence and, in the 60s, led to a real boom of high-speed models called supercars. Let’s get acquainted with the fastest cars of the decades, since the 60s.

At the 1968 Paris Motor Show, the Ferrari 365 GTB / 4, better known as the Ferrari Daytona, was introduced. The car was a response to the Miura model from competitors from the Lamborghini. The latter, in the version of the 68th year, could accelerate to an impressive 277 km / h. However, Ferrari 365 GTB / 4 surpassed this figure and, thanks to the 4.4-liter V12, accelerated to 280 km / h, thus becoming the fastest production car of the 60s.

And again in the race for the highest “maximum speed” Ferrari and Lamborghini came together. This time the victory was won by the bulls. So the Lamborghini Countach was able to accelerate to 309 km / h, while the closest competitor, the Ferrari Berlinetta Boxer, “made” only 303 km / h. Countach achieved such performance thanks to a four-liter V12 with a capacity of 381 hp.

The first car in the world to exceed 200 mph (321 km / h) in 1986 was the Porsche 959. However, a year later, the legendary Ferrari F40 came out, which broke this record. Thanks to the 2.8-liter biturbo V8 with a capacity of 484 hp, the car was able to accelerate to an incredible 325 km / h.
The 90s were marked by the appearance of one of the most impressive cars in history – the McLaren F1. Developed in conjunction with BMW-Motorsport six-liter atmospheric V12 with a capacity of 627 hp I accelerated the car to an incredible 385 km / h. This figure made the McLaren F1 the fastest car in the world until 2005.

In the 21st century, a 400 km / h barrier was extended with mass production vehicles. The first managed to do this in 2005, the 1000-strong monster Bugatti Veyron. Shelby SSC Aero is recognized as the fastest “zero” car, which is able to pick up speed up to 430 km / h.
The second decade of the 21st century is coming to an end and today the fastest car in the world is the Swedish hypercar Koenigsegg Agera RS with a maximum speed of 447 km / h. However, it is too early to sum up. The company Hennessey with its Venom F5 plans to take the bar at 480 km / h, previously unknown for serial machines. Well, Hennessey has not much time left to become the fastest car of this decade.

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