10 cars that will be the right solution for the family budget
This is not a list of the most affordable cars. Rather, these are recommendations for models that are actually worth what they are asked for. Therefore, cars in different categories…

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Do-it-yourself: 10 of the most unusual and cool homemade cars from around the world
Some motorists categorically do not like cars produced by official manufacturers. And then they decide to create self-made cars that will fully satisfy all the individual wishes of the owner.…

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10 of the most successful front wheel drive cars that are perfect for our roads
Front-wheel drive cars have always had a very mixed reputation. Meanwhile, vehicles with this configuration actively developed from the middle of the last century and enjoyed the same demand in…


6 vehicles that are able to make a variety on weekdays motorists
Today, engineers and designers are increasingly pleased motorists non-standard solutions. In our review, 6 vehicles that are able to turn the idea of ​​cars. Riding on them just will not…

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car was created in response

How the legend flourished: 10 iconic Ferrari models

For more than seventy years since its founding, the Ferrari brand has come a long way from a small racing team to a manufacturer of premium sports cars. But one thing remained unchanged: each new car of the company either acquired a cult status, or simply became a real work of art. This is one of those cases where choosing the top ten best models is extremely difficult – they are all so good.
1. 250 Testa Rossa 1956 Continue reading

The cars we lost
Today, any person having a certain amount at his disposal can choose a passenger car of about seventy different brands. And this is if we talk only about the most…


Five automotive innovations that will be released on the Russian market this fall.
2018 turned out to be rich in interesting automotive innovations. Some of them have already entered the showrooms, and some, despite the fact that the year is coming to an…
