6 brutal SUVs whose owners won't exchange them for anything
Today, this day off-road SUV with fire can not be found. They are increasingly replaced by the so-called crossovers - elevated passenger cars of high cross. This development is quite…

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Do not spend too much: how deceptive customers are deceived in car dealerships
Buying a new car is a rather complicated and responsible business. Often, in their desire to make a bargain, customers become victims of cheating unscrupulous dealers. Preserving the nerves and,…

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6 vehicles that are able to make a variety on weekdays motorists
Today, engineers and designers are increasingly pleased motorists non-standard solutions. In our review, 6 vehicles that are able to turn the idea of ​​cars. Riding on them just will not…


The most anticipated automotive innovations in 2019
2018 turned out to be rich in various automotive events. The world saw a large number of new and updated cars. 2019 promises to be no less interesting. About the…

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car is not very far from each

Anti-crisis auto industry: 5 cheapest cars in the world

The economic crisis and the depreciation of the ruble forced many of our compatriots to give up their dreams of buying expensive cars. That is why in this review we will tell about 5 cheapest cars in the world. The list includes sedans and SUVs, and even electric cars.

Tata Nano – the cheapest car in the world Continue reading

7 VAZ cars, which were created recently, but never came out in a series

VAZ – the most famous model of Russian production. Their popularity is due to modern design, comfort and at the same time moderate cost. In recent years, the plant has developed a lot of new cars, but they have not been put into production. Continue reading

The best middle class sedans, which are suitable for driving “with a twinkle”

In our country, sedans are very fond, especially large and solid. These can be safely attributed cars of the European D-class. They are quite roomy for the whole family, you can drive fast in them, and you can also entrust the management of the hired driver while resting in the back row of seats. On the best D-class sedans in the domestic car market – further in the selection. Continue reading

10 little-known Soviet cars that ordinary drivers did not see
The 1980s turned out to be full of changes not only in social terms, but also for the auto industry of the USSR. Then the projects of cars that could…


Do-it-yourself: 10 of the most unusual and cool homemade cars from around the world
Some motorists categorically do not like cars produced by official manufacturers. And then they decide to create self-made cars that will fully satisfy all the individual wishes of the owner.…
