Favorable investment: which cars for 3 years lose in value the least
One of the important characteristics of the car is its loss of value during operation. In other words, for how much it can be resold after years. To answer this…

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5 of the most outstanding SUVs in the world
Bentley plans to start selling its new car, which will become the most expensive SUV in the world. And today we will tell about the five most remarkable crossovers in…

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Do not spend too much: how deceptive customers are deceived in car dealerships
Buying a new car is a rather complicated and responsible business. Often, in their desire to make a bargain, customers become victims of cheating unscrupulous dealers. Preserving the nerves and,…


Crazy design: 15 most extravagant modifications of famous cars
People who are fans of cars, certainly know the German company Mansory, which makes just great modifications of luxury cars. Here are 15 of the most extravagant cars that have…

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reinforced metal body with lightweight

10 little-known Soviet cars that ordinary drivers did not see

The 1980s turned out to be full of changes not only in social terms, but also for the auto industry of the USSR. Then the projects of cars that could claim to be the best in the whole world were developed, however, the general public did not know about them. In this review, we give a dozen of these machines. Continue reading

5 most interesting sports cars in the former Soviet Union
The production of good sports cars is not only the prerogative of large, world-famous automakers. Increasingly, small companies, recently created specifically for the production of high-end supercars, are making themselves…


Useful experience: How to open a car service and for half a year to get a plus
Every adult person sooner or later comes to the idea of ​​their own business. Most never hesitate to take the first step, but those who still dare to do this…
