5 best European cars over the past 5 years
At the International Motor Show in Geneva, the winner of the competition "Best European car" was announced. In 2014, it was the Peugeot 308, which unexpectedly won the BMW i3…

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5 cars of the future from the world's largest IT companies
Recently it became known that some of the largest IT companies, previously known for the release of mobile devices or software, quite unexpectedly for the whole world decided to start…

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Five automotive innovations that will be released on the Russian market this fall.
2018 turned out to be rich in interesting automotive innovations. Some of them have already entered the showrooms, and some, despite the fact that the year is coming to an…


10 little-known Soviet cars that ordinary drivers did not see
The 1980s turned out to be full of changes not only in social terms, but also for the auto industry of the USSR. Then the projects of cars that could…

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strongest suspension

Cars that can easily drive half a million kilometers

One of the most important characteristics of the machine is its reliability. This is especially true of the domestic car market. Pro machines, the reliability of which is impressive – further in the review.

1. Toyota Land Cruiser Prado
The first generation of the car appeared back in 1987. Since then, the car has changed four generations, a huge number of engines and modifications. One thing remains unchanged – frame construction and insane reliability. Land Cruiser Prado is very popular in our country and is often found on the roads. Basically, he is loved for prestige and comfort. Continue reading

6 brutal SUVs whose owners won't exchange them for anything
Today, this day off-road SUV with fire can not be found. They are increasingly replaced by the so-called crossovers - elevated passenger cars of high cross. This development is quite…


6 tricks and tricks that make life easier for any driver
Modern man spends driving a huge amount of time. Knowing some of the nuances of operation, the driver can simplify his car life and avoid many problems. About the best…
