6 vehicles that are able to make a variety on weekdays motorists
Today, engineers and designers are increasingly pleased motorists non-standard solutions. In our review, 6 vehicles that are able to turn the idea of ​​cars. Riding on them just will not…

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Large trunk, comfortable lounge and high ground clearance: the top 5 available family cars
What should be a family car? Maybe big and spacious? Or practical and comfortable? The answer to these questions is quite simple. A good family car should be both comfortable…

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10 little-known Soviet cars that ordinary drivers did not see
The 1980s turned out to be full of changes not only in social terms, but also for the auto industry of the USSR. Then the projects of cars that could…


10 cool automotive technologies that "fell" on us from space
Despite the fact that not many Earthlings have yet been in extraterrestrial space, a breakthrough into space has changed the life of almost every modern person. Today we will talk…

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somewhat in size

6 bright new products that are presented at the current Moscow Motor Show

The Moscow International Automobile Salon (MIAS) started 2018. It will last until September 9. The event, which takes place once every two years, this time was somewhat upset by the absence of a whole cohort of world-famous automakers. Nevertheless, a number of interesting novelties for the Russian market was presented at MIAS 2018. Many – domestic production. More about them – further in the review. Continue reading

The car of the future: 5 innovative technologies in modern cars
New features are constantly appearing in cars, some of which take root, and some turn out to be unpromising and die off. And today we will tell about five innovative…


The fastest cars that could be found on the roads from the 1960s to the present day
From the appearance of the first car in 1886 to the present day, the cars became more sophisticated, high-tech and fast. The pursuit of speed began literally from the first…
