Gig for annealing: From an old VAZ 2105 a cool mass car was assembled for professional drift
This story is about how a fan of Japanese cars unexpectedly decided to realize his old dream and learn how to drift. To do this, he bought a used VAZ…

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10 so wonderful cars that it's hard to believe in their reality
Not all cars have the form that modern people are used to. When developers strongly "hit" in aerodynamics, fashion design, or strive for uncompromising maneuverability, it turns out a technique…

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6 tricks and tricks that make life easier for any driver
Modern man spends driving a huge amount of time. Knowing some of the nuances of operation, the driver can simplify his car life and avoid many problems. About the best…


6 tricks and tricks that make life easier for any driver
Modern man spends driving a huge amount of time. Knowing some of the nuances of operation, the driver can simplify his car life and avoid many problems. About the best…

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sports bias can cause some skepticism

4 inexpensive but fast cars that can give real driving pleasure

The phrase “fast car” is often associated with something very expensive and inaccessible to the average consumer. However, there are interesting models in the domestic car market that can give real driving pleasure and do not stand at the same time as fabulous means. Of course, these cars can not be called “budget”, however, their price is low, if we take into account how they drive. Continue reading

The car of the future: 5 innovative technologies in modern cars
New features are constantly appearing in cars, some of which take root, and some turn out to be unpromising and die off. And today we will tell about five innovative…


"Japanese Henry Ford": the story of Soichiro Honda
Soichiro Honda is a unique person who has traveled a thorny path from a simple mechanic to the owner of the largest automobile brand. Through trial and error, through war,…
