3 best and "three" worst cars, according to the European Committee of independent crash tests for 2018
Euro NCAP is an organization that breaks dozens of cars every year, evaluating their active and passive safety. All this is done to reduce the level of death in road…

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Favorable investment: which cars for 3 years lose in value the least
One of the important characteristics of the car is its loss of value during operation. In other words, for how much it can be resold after years. To answer this…

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The most anticipated automotive innovations in 2019
2018 turned out to be rich in various automotive events. The world saw a large number of new and updated cars. 2019 promises to be no less interesting. About the…


Do not spend too much: how deceptive customers are deceived in car dealerships
Buying a new car is a rather complicated and responsible business. Often, in their desire to make a bargain, customers become victims of cheating unscrupulous dealers. Preserving the nerves and,…

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option for many families.

Anti-crisis auto industry: 5 cheapest cars in the world
The economic crisis and the depreciation of the ruble forced many of our compatriots to give up their dreams of buying expensive cars. That is why in this review we…


The cars we lost
Today, any person having a certain amount at his disposal can choose a passenger car of about seventy different brands. And this is if we talk only about the most…
