10 so wonderful cars that it's hard to believe in their reality
Not all cars have the form that modern people are used to. When developers strongly "hit" in aerodynamics, fashion design, or strive for uncompromising maneuverability, it turns out a technique…

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6 tricks and tricks that make life easier for any driver
Modern man spends driving a huge amount of time. Knowing some of the nuances of operation, the driver can simplify his car life and avoid many problems. About the best…

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7 most expected cars
Only completed the Paris Motor Show, and motorists are already waiting, can not wait, when the sale will be something new. This review will discuss the most anticipated cars, which…


Five automotive innovations that will be released on the Russian market this fall.
2018 turned out to be rich in interesting automotive innovations. Some of them have already entered the showrooms, and some, despite the fact that the year is coming to an…

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better to try once

The car of the future: 5 innovative technologies in modern cars

New features are constantly appearing in cars, some of which take root, and some turn out to be unpromising and die off. And today we will tell about five innovative technologies that are just beginning to be introduced in the automotive industry these days. Continue reading

Native armor: new armored vehicles of the post-Soviet countries

For decades, the national defense and defense industry used the achievements of Soviet times. But in recent years, the situation has begun to change for the better, and many original samples of modern weapons have appeared. And in this review we will tell you about some of the most noticeable units of new armored vehicles created in different countries in the post-Soviet space.

Armored combat vehicle Dozor-B. Ukraine Continue reading

10 of the most successful front wheel drive cars that are perfect for our roads

Front-wheel drive cars have always had a very mixed reputation. Meanwhile, vehicles with this configuration actively developed from the middle of the last century and enjoyed the same demand in European countries. Here are the best and, as a result, the most successful front wheel drive cars in history. Each of them is so good that it could cope even with our “recalcitrant” roads. Continue reading

Favorable investment: which cars for 3 years lose in value the least
One of the important characteristics of the car is its loss of value during operation. In other words, for how much it can be resold after years. To answer this…


10 cars that will be the right solution for the family budget
This is not a list of the most affordable cars. Rather, these are recommendations for models that are actually worth what they are asked for. Therefore, cars in different categories…
