8 luxury armored cars
Sometimes the concept of luxury is inseparable from the concept of a high level of security, especially such a feature characteristic of premium cars. Today’s armored cars can withstand not…

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The most anticipated automotive innovations in 2019
2018 turned out to be rich in various automotive events. The world saw a large number of new and updated cars. 2019 promises to be no less interesting. About the…

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6 vehicles that are able to make a variety on weekdays motorists
Today, engineers and designers are increasingly pleased motorists non-standard solutions. In our review, 6 vehicles that are able to turn the idea of ​​cars. Riding on them just will not…


10 most famous and legendary cars from Jeep
Car lovers shook the news that the running of the Jeep Junior, which will be officially presented only in March 2014, has already begun on the roads of Italy. Eyewitnesses…

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while the seats

Anti-crisis auto industry: 5 cheapest cars in the world

The economic crisis and the depreciation of the ruble forced many of our compatriots to give up their dreams of buying expensive cars. That is why in this review we will tell about 5 cheapest cars in the world. The list includes sedans and SUVs, and even electric cars.

Tata Nano – the cheapest car in the world Continue reading

Algae, chocolate and stomach gas: 5 of the most unusual types of modern fuel
While the world community is dreaming of “jumping off the oil needle,” engineers from different countries are looking for ways to implement this idea. In recent years, they have taught…


4 inexpensive but fast cars that can give real driving pleasure
The phrase "fast car" is often associated with something very expensive and inaccessible to the average consumer. However, there are interesting models in the domestic car market that can give…
