"Japanese Henry Ford": the story of Soichiro Honda
Soichiro Honda is a unique person who has traveled a thorny path from a simple mechanic to the owner of the largest automobile brand. Through trial and error, through war,…

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4 inexpensive but fast cars that can give real driving pleasure
The phrase "fast car" is often associated with something very expensive and inaccessible to the average consumer. However, there are interesting models in the domestic car market that can give…

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The best middle class sedans, which are suitable for driving "with a twinkle"
In our country, sedans are very fond, especially large and solid. These can be safely attributed cars of the European D-class. They are quite roomy for the whole family, you…


10 little-known Soviet cars that ordinary drivers did not see
The 1980s turned out to be full of changes not only in social terms, but also for the auto industry of the USSR. Then the projects of cars that could…

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Lancia Fulvia could

10 of the most successful front wheel drive cars that are perfect for our roads

Front-wheel drive cars have always had a very mixed reputation. Meanwhile, vehicles with this configuration actively developed from the middle of the last century and enjoyed the same demand in European countries. Here are the best and, as a result, the most successful front wheel drive cars in history. Each of them is so good that it could cope even with our “recalcitrant” roads. Continue reading

Is there life without a Prius
It is hardly possible to consider the modern range of hybrids - at least in our market - an attempt to save: most of the gas-electric models are a beautiful…


3 best and "three" worst cars, according to the European Committee of independent crash tests for 2018
Euro NCAP is an organization that breaks dozens of cars every year, evaluating their active and passive safety. All this is done to reduce the level of death in road…
