Is there life without a Prius
It is hardly possible to consider the modern range of hybrids - at least in our market - an attempt to save: most of the gas-electric models are a beautiful…

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4 inexpensive but fast cars that can give real driving pleasure
The phrase "fast car" is often associated with something very expensive and inaccessible to the average consumer. However, there are interesting models in the domestic car market that can give…

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"Victory" over the roads: how in the USSR did the crossover for Khrushchev
Some models of cars in the Soviet Union appeared absolutely unexpectedly for everyone. That is exactly what happened with one modification of the "Victory", which the engineers decided to turn…


8 luxury armored cars
Sometimes the concept of luxury is inseparable from the concept of a high level of security, especially such a feature characteristic of premium cars. Today’s armored cars can withstand not…

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glass area

10 little-known Soviet cars that ordinary drivers did not see

The 1980s turned out to be full of changes not only in social terms, but also for the auto industry of the USSR. Then the projects of cars that could claim to be the best in the whole world were developed, however, the general public did not know about them. In this review, we give a dozen of these machines. Continue reading

"Victory" over the roads: how in the USSR did the crossover for Khrushchev
Some models of cars in the Soviet Union appeared absolutely unexpectedly for everyone. That is exactly what happened with one modification of the "Victory", which the engineers decided to turn…


How can you get a car in Germany almost free of charge
In some countries, for example, in Germany, there are so many cars and they are so affordable that in 10 years their value tends to zero. If you try, then…
