Cars that can easily drive half a million kilometers
One of the most important characteristics of the machine is its reliability. This is especially true of the domestic car market. Pro machines, the reliability of which is impressive -…

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7 legendary BMW for all times
"Bavarians" have created a lot of great cars. They do not change themselves in this plan from year to year, trying to make a quality product that can compete in…

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Is there life without a Prius
It is hardly possible to consider the modern range of hybrids - at least in our market - an attempt to save: most of the gas-electric models are a beautiful…


5 of the most outstanding SUVs in the world
Bentley plans to start selling its new car, which will become the most expensive SUV in the world. And today we will tell about the five most remarkable crossovers in…

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while developing

Algae, chocolate and stomach gas: 5 of the most unusual types of modern fuel

While the world community is dreaming of “jumping off the oil needle,” engineers from different countries are looking for ways to implement this idea. In recent years, they have taught vehicles to ride on electricity, natural gas, hydrogen, and even air. And today we will talk about 5 of the most unusual types of modern fuel, which in the future may become very popular. Continue reading

Gig for annealing: From an old VAZ 2105 a cool mass car was assembled for professional drift
This story is about how a fan of Japanese cars unexpectedly decided to realize his old dream and learn how to drift. To do this, he bought a used VAZ…


The fastest cars that could be found on the roads from the 1960s to the present day
From the appearance of the first car in 1886 to the present day, the cars became more sophisticated, high-tech and fast. The pursuit of speed began literally from the first…
