New BMW 8 Series: the car that drivers have dreamed of over the past 30 years
At the recent exhibition Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este the German company BMW introduced a new model. The BMW 8 Series coupe has already won an army of fans, even though…

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6 brutal SUVs whose owners won't exchange them for anything
Today, this day off-road SUV with fire can not be found. They are increasingly replaced by the so-called crossovers - elevated passenger cars of high cross. This development is quite…

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The cars we lost
Today, any person having a certain amount at his disposal can choose a passenger car of about seventy different brands. And this is if we talk only about the most…


Anti-crisis auto industry: 5 cheapest cars in the world
The economic crisis and the depreciation of the ruble forced many of our compatriots to give up their dreams of buying expensive cars. That is why in this review we…

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did not grow together

Golden off-road: the 10 most expensive off-road vehicles in the world

Modern cars-SUVs are rapidly approaching in size to a small apartment, and at a price that far exceeds the cost of even luxury housing. And today we will tell about the 10 most expensive and luxury crossovers that exist in the world.

Dartz Prombron Monaco Red Diamond Edition. $ 1,500,000 Continue reading

6 vehicles that are able to make a variety on weekdays motorists

Today, engineers and designers are increasingly pleased motorists non-standard solutions. In our review, 6 vehicles that are able to turn the idea of ​​cars. Riding on them just will not be boring.

1. Viento
Two South Korean designers, Junjai Jun and Gounoi Yun, created a vehicle for driving on mountain roads. Viento moves due to the force of the wind; for this purpose, a sail is installed on the transport resembling a surfboard sail. Continue reading

Crazy design: 15 most extravagant modifications of famous cars

People who are fans of cars, certainly know the German company Mansory, which makes just great modifications of luxury cars. Here are 15 of the most extravagant cars that have been tuned Mansory.

1. Rolls Royce Wraith Palm Edition 999
As if Rolls Royce itself is not “extravagant”, Mansory decided to pour gold into a luxury car with a generous hand. The Palm Edition 999 was so named because it symbolizes the highest grade gold, and also because Mansory intended to build only 9 cars of this model. Continue reading

5 most interesting sports cars in the former Soviet Union
The production of good sports cars is not only the prerogative of large, world-famous automakers. Increasingly, small companies, recently created specifically for the production of high-end supercars, are making themselves…


Is there life without a Prius
It is hardly possible to consider the modern range of hybrids - at least in our market - an attempt to save: most of the gas-electric models are a beautiful…
