How the legend flourished: 10 iconic Ferrari models
For more than seventy years since its founding, the Ferrari brand has come a long way from a small racing team to a manufacturer of premium sports cars. But one…

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10 most famous and legendary cars from Jeep
Car lovers shook the news that the running of the Jeep Junior, which will be officially presented only in March 2014, has already begun on the roads of Italy. Eyewitnesses…

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6 tricks and tricks that make life easier for any driver
Modern man spends driving a huge amount of time. Knowing some of the nuances of operation, the driver can simplify his car life and avoid many problems. About the best…


5 cars of the future from the world's largest IT companies
Recently it became known that some of the largest IT companies, previously known for the release of mobile devices or software, quite unexpectedly for the whole world decided to start…

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a day after Trump’s inauguration

Primula, the Snow Queen and Peanuts: remember the colors and colors of Soviet cars

Despite the relatively small range of cars in the USSR, the color range of cars in the Soviet Union from time to time surprised not only the unusual shades, but also the type of paint! In our today’s review – not only ordinary enamels, but also spectacular “metallic”, which painted Lada and Muscovites.

The first Soviet cars of pre-war years in color corresponded to the concept of the great auto industrialist of the beginning of the last century Henry Ford: both the famous “black funnels” and the less ominous emka GAZ-M1 were painted black with rare exceptions. Yes, and government ZIS, of course, were painted in the same way. Continue reading

Is there life without a Prius
It is hardly possible to consider the modern range of hybrids - at least in our market - an attempt to save: most of the gas-electric models are a beautiful…


Algae, chocolate and stomach gas: 5 of the most unusual types of modern fuel
While the world community is dreaming of “jumping off the oil needle,” engineers from different countries are looking for ways to implement this idea. In recent years, they have taught…
