How the legend flourished: 10 iconic Ferrari models
For more than seventy years since its founding, the Ferrari brand has come a long way from a small racing team to a manufacturer of premium sports cars. But one…

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5 most interesting sports cars in the former Soviet Union
The production of good sports cars is not only the prerogative of large, world-famous automakers. Increasingly, small companies, recently created specifically for the production of high-end supercars, are making themselves…

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Golden off-road: the 10 most expensive off-road vehicles in the world
Modern cars-SUVs are rapidly approaching in size to a small apartment, and at a price that far exceeds the cost of even luxury housing. And today we will tell about…


The cars we lost
Today, any person having a certain amount at his disposal can choose a passenger car of about seventy different brands. And this is if we talk only about the most…

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smartphone and tablet

Algae, chocolate and stomach gas: 5 of the most unusual types of modern fuel
While the world community is dreaming of “jumping off the oil needle,” engineers from different countries are looking for ways to implement this idea. In recent years, they have taught…


10 little-known Soviet cars that ordinary drivers did not see
The 1980s turned out to be full of changes not only in social terms, but also for the auto industry of the USSR. Then the projects of cars that could…
