Is there life without a Prius
It is hardly possible to consider the modern range of hybrids - at least in our market - an attempt to save: most of the gas-electric models are a beautiful…

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Native armor: new armored vehicles of the post-Soviet countries
For decades, the national defense and defense industry used the achievements of Soviet times. But in recent years, the situation has begun to change for the better, and many original…

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Large trunk, comfortable lounge and high ground clearance: the top 5 available family cars
What should be a family car? Maybe big and spacious? Or practical and comfortable? The answer to these questions is quite simple. A good family car should be both comfortable…


Golden off-road: the 10 most expensive off-road vehicles in the world
Modern cars-SUVs are rapidly approaching in size to a small apartment, and at a price that far exceeds the cost of even luxury housing. And today we will tell about…

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consists of simple

The best middle class sedans, which are suitable for driving “with a twinkle”

In our country, sedans are very fond, especially large and solid. These can be safely attributed cars of the European D-class. They are quite roomy for the whole family, you can drive fast in them, and you can also entrust the management of the hired driver while resting in the back row of seats. On the best D-class sedans in the domestic car market – further in the selection. Continue reading

10 cool automotive technologies that "fell" on us from space
Despite the fact that not many Earthlings have yet been in extraterrestrial space, a breakthrough into space has changed the life of almost every modern person. Today we will talk…


How the legend flourished: 10 iconic Ferrari models
For more than seventy years since its founding, the Ferrari brand has come a long way from a small racing team to a manufacturer of premium sports cars. But one…
