10 so wonderful cars that it's hard to believe in their reality
Not all cars have the form that modern people are used to. When developers strongly "hit" in aerodynamics, fashion design, or strive for uncompromising maneuverability, it turns out a technique…

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6 tricks and tricks that make life easier for any driver
Modern man spends driving a huge amount of time. Knowing some of the nuances of operation, the driver can simplify his car life and avoid many problems. About the best…

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The cars we lost
Today, any person having a certain amount at his disposal can choose a passenger car of about seventy different brands. And this is if we talk only about the most…


The cars we lost
Today, any person having a certain amount at his disposal can choose a passenger car of about seventy different brands. And this is if we talk only about the most…

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about what will happen if anothe

6 tricks and tricks that make life easier for any driver

Modern man spends driving a huge amount of time. Knowing some of the nuances of operation, the driver can simplify his car life and avoid many problems. About the best tricks and tricks for drivers – further review.

1. Tennis ball in the garage
This advice will be more useful for beginners who still feel bad dimensions of the car. The trick is this: in the garage you just need to hang the tennis ball on the rope in such a way that it touches the windshield of the car at the moment when the car drove into the garage to the required depth. Continue reading

7 most expected cars
Only completed the Paris Motor Show, and motorists are already waiting, can not wait, when the sale will be something new. This review will discuss the most anticipated cars, which…


"Japanese Henry Ford": the story of Soichiro Honda
Soichiro Honda is a unique person who has traveled a thorny path from a simple mechanic to the owner of the largest automobile brand. Through trial and error, through war,…
